Compulsory Acquisition: 08 July 2020
Recently AGL and APA announced that they have prepared an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the Gas Import Jetty and Pipeline Project (the Project). The EES and related documents provide information about the potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the Project. Additionally, the documents outline how these potential impacts will be managed during construction and operation of the Project if it is ultimately approved.
The EES, together with the draft planning scheme amendment, the works approval application and the pipeline licence application are now on public exhibition for 40 business days from, Thursday, 2 July 2020. The EES and other exhibited documents are available at the following website: -
Written submissions can be made (online or in hard copy) starting Thursday, 2 July 2020 and closing 11.59pm on Wednesday 26 August 2020.
If you would like a greater understanding of the planning scheme amendment process, the submission process, or you would like to make a submission, please feel free to contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss your queries.
Aitken Partners Compulsory Acquisition Team has more than two decades of combined experience in representing landowners, tenants and business owners in compulsory acquisition claims in most (if not all) of Victoria's major infrastructure projects.
If you are impacted (or believe you may be impacted) by the Gas Import Jetty and Pipeline Project, it is imperative you engage lawyers experienced in compulsory acquisition and voluntary negotiation matters to assist you in obtaining advice on appropriate compensation.
If you are affected (or believe you may be affected) by the Gas Import Jetty and Pipeline Project, please contact Natalie O'Flynn on 03 8600 6046 to arrange a time to speak with our Compulsory Acquisition Team regarding the EES process and/or the voluntary negotiation process and your potential rights to compensation as a result of the Project.