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Yan Yean Road- Stage 2 Update

Compulsory Acquisition: 22 April 2021

The Minister for Planning has now considered the Inquiry and Advisory Committee's report, the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) and public submissions for the Project. The Minister has released their assessment and concluded that the Project can proceed.

The Minister has also endorsed the design plans that were exhibited in the EES which includes realigning the Bridge Inn Road intersection to the north east to protect the two River Red Gum trees and the old Doreen Post Office building.

Now that the Minister's assessment is complete, Major Road Projects Victoria ('MRPV') will now refine the design and obtain the relevant planning and environment approvals, which includes commencing the land acquisition process to ensure they have the land required to build the Project.

MRPV have advised they will be reaching out to landowners affected by the Project to discuss the impact on their properties.

MRPV have suggested that a contractor will be appointed by early 2022 and the exact timing of the construction will be released later this year.

The compulsory acquisition process can be complex, and landowners, tenants and businesses have potential rights to claim compensation.

Now that MPRV has advised they will be contacting landowners affected by the Project, it is imperative that you obtain legal advice. Our compulsory acquisition team is offering to discuss with you on a free and no-obligation basis the compulsory acquisition process and your legal rights to compensation should your land be acquired for the Project.

If you would like to take advantage of our obligation free discussion, please contact Natalie O'Flynn on 8600 6046 to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss your situation.

About our Compulsory Acquisition Team

Aitken Partners Compulsory Acquisition Team has more than two decades of combined experience in representing landowners, tenants and business owners in compulsory acquisition claims in most (if not all) of Victoria's major infrastructure projects.

Aitken Partners compulsory acquisition team has a great deal of experience with and understands the many complexities associated with the compulsory acquisition of both residential and commercial land.

If you are impacted by the Yan Yean Road Project- Stage 2, it is imperative you engage lawyers experienced in compulsory acquisition matters to assist you in obtaining appropriate compensation. The compulsory acquisition process is covered by a unique legislative regime which does not follow standard property and conveyancing law practices.

If you believe that you are likely to be affected by the Yan Yean Road Project- Stage 2, please contact Natalie O'Flynn on 03 8600 6046 to arrange a time to speak with our Compulsory Acquisition Team regarding the acquisition process and your potential rights to compensation if your land is ultimately compulsorily acquired for the Project.

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