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Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 Update

Compulsory Acquisition: 03 September 2020

An important phase in the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 Project has just commenced, with the Environment Effects Statement (EES) having been released. The EES is now on public exhibition until 5pm on Friday, 9 October 2020.

The EES for the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 prepared by Major Roads Projects Victoria examines the potential environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of the Project and identifies how they will be avoided, mitigated or managed. The Project is expected to involve compulsory acquisition of land required to duplicate Yan Yean Road in each direction between Kurrak Road and Bridge Inn Road.

The EES documents can be accessed on the Authority's website here: You now have the opportunity to make a submission to the Independent Advisory Committee ('IAC') about the Project, the proposed compulsory acquisition of your Property and any other issues contained within the EES. You can do so by lodging a submission at the following link:

Once submissions have closed the EES has been referred to an IAC Panel Hearing which is scheduled to commence on 30 November 2020. The IAC Panel Hearing will hear from submitters regarding their concerns and the IAC Panel will consider the EES documentation. This will then frame the IAC recommendation to the Minister for Planning as to whether the Project ought to proceed.

At this stage, we understand that the Authority are expecting a decision from the Minister for Planning by mid next year. That being the case, if the approvals are obtained by the Authority for the Project which include the application of a Public Acquisition Overlay to land required by the Project then the Authority will be in a position to commence the compulsory acquisition process for the Project.

If you would like a greater understanding of the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 Project, your potential rights to compensation, the submission process, or you would like to make a submission, please feel free to contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss your queries.

About Aitken Partners

Aitken Partners compulsory acquisition lawyers have more than two decades of combined experience in representing landowners, tenants and business owners in compulsory acquisition claims in most (if not all) of Victoria's major infrastructure projects.

If you are impacted (or believe you may be impacted) by the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 Project, it is imperative you engage lawyers experienced in compulsory acquisition matters to assist you in obtaining advice on appropriate compensation.

If you are affected (or believe you may be affected) by the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 Project, please contact Natalie O'Flynn on 03 8600 6046 to arrange a time to speak with one of our compulsory acquisition lawyers regarding the EES process and your potential rights to compensation as a result of the Project.

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